SheCanCode's Spilling The T With Capco 



  • Ineshka De Silva, Meera Solanki and Kimberley Michaels
  • Published: 10 February 2023


Innovation can change lives yet when it comes to accessing education and technology, many barriers to equality and inclusivity remain.

This year, the priority theme for the United Nations 67th Commission on the Status of Women is ‘Innovation and Technological Change, and Education in the Digital Age for Achieving Gender Equality and the Empowerment of All Women and Girls’. By embracing new technologies, and advancing women's skills and knowledge in STEM, we can accelerate our progress towards gender equality.

In this episode of She Can Code’s ‘Spilling The T’ podcast, we speak with three women technologists from global technology and management consultancy Capco: Kimberley Michaels, Managing Principal, Banking & Payments Technology; Meera Solanki, Senior Consultant, Technology Delivery; and Ineshka De Silva, Senior Design Consultant, Innovation & Design.

Our guests share why they believe it is so vital for girls to have access to both education and clear pathways into inclusive workplaces. 

Listen to the podcast below.

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