Drive engagement with individual target groups as a first step in providing them with customized digital solutions:

  • Customers
  • Partners
  • Employees
  • Candidates


Offer different services to the selected target groups based on their individual needs:

  • Request
  • Offer
  • Contract


Provide the knowable Product Browser and knowable Product Configurator with data and information to facilitate the development of specific digital solutions:

  • Categories
  • Products
  • Elements
The knowable Chatbot provides proactive outreach to your website visitors, enhancing customer engagement, site dwell time and brand perception. With its multilingual functionality, the knowable Chatbot can be deployed via widgets and is suitable for use both on external websites and employee intranets. It also complements our knowable Digital Assistant, together providing a distinctive digital customer experience.


The cloud-based Common Data Model (CDM) serves as our business database, feeding the knowable Portal components with data and information. As part of our knowledge management offering, it collects, maintains and manages information across various data subsets: customer, contract, product information management (PIM), human resources (HR), and resources and reference data.

All customer-related data and information is meticulously recorded and stored, from first point of contact through all interactions to product purchase.

The comprehensive level of data and information held allows for precise profiling of customers on a rolling basis and the automated creation and delivery of personalized offers.

The BOM database also supports online recruitment needs by linking to mobile apps or widgets integrated into customer portals.

Another application is the collection and management of employee data to assess personal skills and competencies and ascertain suitability for specific roles and projects.


Our Data & Knowledge Repository supplies data and information to our Artificial Intelligence components – serving as the ‘brain’ of our extensive suite of knowledge management solutions. This dynamic knowledge database stores, maintains and preserves the technical, employee and corporate knowledge held within the enterprise.

The Data & Knowledge Repository provides a modern cloud-based knowledge management solution that is already ready to meet future requirements.

A current-generation structured data model allows company data to be managed along the entire value chain, from initial customer enquiry, through product and service information, to final offers and completed contracts.

State-of-the-art artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies are deployed to actively manage the content of Data & Knowledge Repository on a rolling basis.

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